Inpatient Information & Support

We assign patient rooms based on your diagnosis and beds available. Ask your nurse if you need items, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, or other items.

Hospital Bed

Our staff will show you how to work your bed. The side rails on the bed are for your safety. Ask your nurse for help to lower the side rails when they're up. Don't try to get out of your bed without help. Use your nurse call light to ask for help for getting out of bed.

Facility Directory

The facility directory is a list of people who are patients at CoxHealth. The directory helps staff direct visitors. Talk to your nurse if you want to have limited visitors. Patients must notify us if they want their presence known in the hospital. You can choose not to be in the directory and may change your status anytime during your stay. Status changes may take up to 24 hours.

If you choose to be unlisted in the patient directory, CoxHealth will:

If you choose to be unlisted in the patient directory, you'll be responsible to:

Security Status

Patient information may be restricted if the knowledge of your presence puts you or others at serious risk. CoxHealth will restrict your information if you or your legal guardian do not object to the security status. Law enforcement can request a security status for a prisoner in their custody. Prisoners don't have a say in the request.