The Foundations of Christian Doctrine

In a decade of church growth and dynamic demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s work, God’s people still prize the security of a strong Bible foundation. “The Foundations of Christian Doctrine” provides one of the most relevant and clear presentations of the great doctrines of the faith. The text was written by Kevin J. Conner to provide an intermediate approach between the more in-depth doctrinal studies and the simplistic. Although originally designed to use in classroom instruction, it lends itself well to study, research and fascinating reading.

There is a Self Study Guide companion to the best-selling textbook. By reading the text and writing the answers, the student will find that their learning is greatly enriched.

NEWS: Newly released editions of the textbook and self study guide are now available for purchase in eBook format from Amazon.

15 thoughts on “The Foundations of Christian Doctrine”

Fr Alfred Orudiana

Dear Connor,
I happen to come the book ‘The Foundations of Chrirtian Doctrine and loved it so much. I am a lecturer at a remotely located theology institution in the Solomon Islands with a poor library. I teach pneumatology, christology and introduction tn theology and believe that the book could help very much in lecturing. I wonder how I could have a personal copy to use in class.
Thank you!

Nice to hear from you, Alfred. Postage from Australia might be quite exorbitant to the Solomon Islands. I suggest you purchase the desired book from the USA, which is nearby or consider buying an eBook version from Amazon. See here: All the best with your ministry. John

Sylvia Robertson

Hi Fr Alfred Orudiana,
I am a Solomon Islander/New Zealander living in Sydney, Australia.
I wondered whether you were able to get a copy of ‘The Foundations of Christian Doctrine’?
I will be trying to get to Honiara to visit family next year, 2021 (when Covid-19 travel restrictions are lifted).
I have a copy of this book on order and could bring this to Honiara when I can get there and wondered if you have a contact in Honiara who could get this to you?